2011-11-08 - West Falls Church Metro Loop


~6 miles @ ~9.5 min/mi

At a narrow sidewalk I dodge into the street and crunch on fallen leaves to give a pedestrian the right-of-way. Puddles slop the path under tropical trees at the apartment complex. Is "Tyndale St" near the church named for early Bible translator William Tyndale? The course today is same as 2011-11-02 - WFC Metro Loop but counter-clockwise: parking lot through slot-in-the-hedge to baseball fields, down Griffith Rd to Pimmit Dr to Route 7 (~17 min), to Haycock — but this time staying on major streets rather than exploring parking lot cut-throughs. After West Falls Church Metro station (~11.5 min) back to Great Falls Rd (~5 min) and via Magarity to the start (~22 min).

^z - 2011-11-21